
Reactivate your primal Power

My high-intensive, personalized 4-month guiding

Maybe you will be reminded on yourself in this video.

Have you heard about the restless mind?

By consciously raising and changing your energy field you can attract and integrate health, people and situations, yes, simply EVERYTHING into your life.

Joyce Nassar

Reactivate your primal Power is a high-intensity, personalized 4-month guiding in which we work, online via Zoom, 1:1 with each other, plus the recordings of the Zoom Guidings, plus remote healings and my permanent support for you. Through the tangible connection with your purest divine heart, targeted realignment, transformation and consciousness work and your expanded understanding of your HIGHER SELF, we reactivate the memories of your most primal and healthy cellular and DNA consciousness. Through the decision you consciously make for yourself and your heart intention as well as the lived connection, YOU begin to grow beyond YOURSELF. You stabilize the inner peace within you, accept yourself and learn to love yourself. Clarity and loving self-positioning open you to the realms of infinite possibilities of creation itself. The richness of the universe is ALWAYS flowing within you. You begin to vibrate in this frequency and activate the magnetism of creation.

What do you think is possible when you REALLY know, WHO you are and what infinite and divine power and love flow within you?

This program is only for people who really and from the bottom of their hearts want changes in their private and professional life, in interpersonal interaction and for their mental, as well as physical health!


Reactivate your primal Power

1x wöchentlich 90 min. Guiding via Zoom-Meeting
inkl. Aufzeichnung als individueller Podcast in Video & Audio als Download

2x weekly á 60 min. light-energy-work
Dissolution work of ancient blockages and issues, physical symptoms and ancestral energy field healing


24/7 availability via social media and email.
Within a few hours I answer & guide you through your individual transformation processes.


Transformation and resolution work, for YOU, deep back into your ancestral lines, and for the following generations, out of the NOW.

Conscious, tangible realignment
with holistic changes in perspective, that open new doors & possibilities

The infinite healing spiral of life and the detailed structure of creation itself and its processes. 

Conscious return and centering,
into the true heart light consciousness

Higher understanding of manifestationand universal order. Learn to build & to create out of your own BEEING.

Clarity and conscious union of body mind and soul
By opening different views you will experience yourself and your life in a new light. On this new path we create positive changes of perspectives together. These experiences and insights are life-changing and YOU grow beyond yourself.

1x weekly 90 min. guiding via Zoom meeting.
incl. recording in video & audio as download!
The recordings are your individual podcasts & accompany you.

My gift to you:

45 minutes to get to know each other personally.

Arrange your free appointment with me.

Please understand that the number of participants for this highly intensive and transformative 1 on 1 guiding is limited.

Read my clients feedback:

Find your free appointment with me:

Answer my questions and book here your appointment for a free info session 45min  with me
for the 4-month guiding, reactivate your primal power.